MS Word Resume Design Tip: Selecting Your Resume’s Font
By Karen Hofferber, Senior Resume Writer,

Microsoft Word offers many different typeface choices, from the conservative to the whimsical. But what’s the best font to use on your resume? There are actually many correct answers to this question.

Fonts can be categorized into two basic sets: serif and sans serif. Serif fonts contain fine lines finishing off the thicker, main strokes of a letter. (Picture the banner in Time Magazine, as an example.) Serif fonts convey an executive, timeless feel, and they can be an excellent option on resumes for senior-level managers or professionals in more conservative fields such as accounting, banking, and finance. Examples of serif fonts that make excellent choices on a resume include: Garamond, Palatino, Book Antiqua, Bookman Old Style, Century Schoolbook, and Goudy.

Sans serif fonts are typefaces without serifs. The strokes making up each letter are the same width, and there are no smaller “feet,” “end-tips,” or embellishments to the letters. Sans serif fonts have a clean, modern look, and they can be a great choice for professionals who want to project a similar “cutting-edge” image (such as information technology professionals, marketing managers, or designers). Examples of sans serif fonts that make excellent choices on a resume include: Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, Franklin Gothic, and Century Gothic.

More whimsical fonts, like Fajita, Paisley, and Kids can be great for advertising headlines, but they are not appropriate for your resume. When selecting a font for your resume, think “readability,” “professional image,” and “polished presentation.”

This article was written by Karen Hofferber, Senior Resume Writer for and co-author of The Career Change Resume book. Visit to learn more about resume services to jump-start your career.